Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Setting the Stage

Our store is a branch store of a much larger new car dealership. The main store is the largest in the area. Our branch is the budget car outlet. We take trades from the main store and retail them, as opposed to shipping them to the auction. We also do some outside buying.

Our owner is an awesome man. He is a Christian first, and everything else second. His main goal is to spread the word of Christ. His second goal is to sell more cars than anyone else, third would be for his employees to be able to provide for their families, and last would be profit. No shit! He has as good a reputation as you can have in this business. He gives to charities, donates cars to the needy, and takes care of his customers better than anyone else.

We built our store new. Paid a huge chunk for the perfect corner, took down the building that was there, put up a new one, installed enough lot lights to light up New York City, black-topped it, and off we go. All in all, almost a Million invested in the site. But don't get any delusions of it being a fancy place, it's not. It's a finished pole-barn in a great spot with a huge mortgage.

We stock anywhere from 60-90 cars at any given time. We average 50-60 sales per month, and really need over 40 to just break even.

So that's the stage for our little reality show.

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