Monday, August 18, 2008

The Great Milk Caper

A little over a week ago I opened the refridgerator and determined it could use cleaned out. I opened the bottom drawer and saw what looked to be old food- an open can of beans, a fast food sandwich wrapper, and other bits and pieces of what might have been edible in days long past.

"I'm throwing away everything in this drawer," I said as I headed toward the trash can with the drawer in hand. Groucho, my 62 year old lifetime salesman, began showing agitation, and insisted that everything in that drawer was good and fresh from that same day. I gave it to him to sort through. Despite his claims that it was all good, he threw about half of it away, and complained that if we only had some aluminum foil, he could make the rest "look better". He was noticeably upset, and there was much pouting for the rest of the day. I explained that I don't mind him keeping food in there, I just really thought that all the stuff in that drawer was trash.

This morning, Groucho pours himself a bowl of cereal, and opens the fridge to grab his milk. "Someone threw my milk away!" There was moaning and mumbling under his breath as he continued to shuffle through the contents searching for his milk. "Did you throw away my milk?!" he asked me directly. I told him I didn't.

He stormed out the door and across the street to buy more. While he was gone The Whiz looks in there and finds the milk in the door compartment. Someone had merely moved it to make room for a fresh case of water.

When Groucho got back, The Whiz pointed it out to him, and a good laugh was had.

It's just like having roommates.

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